Things you should,
can and Must Do!
Welcome to
the second self help page.
The "Must
Do!" link will always take you back to the first of these help pages,
and this is the section of the website I think will become the biggest as
information is added.
Post your
story for others to read, they may be able to help with advice or just moral
support, again details in
Stories". For help on a personal level, go to
Personally". For a bit of fun and light relief, click on
"Don't Get Mad, Get
Next Phone the Council
The most likely thing you will have been told is to notify some
department of your Local Council. PHONE THEM NOW!
Have all the details you can get to hand, the date, the time, the place and
what actually happened. Be prepared to be
told something along the lines of "complaints of this nature must be
in writing". Hogwash! The Council may have a policy of wanting complaints
in writing, but Scottish Office and UK Government states that they should
make the process of complaining easier for people by accepting phone complaints.
Be firm but polite.
Point out that you are aware of this, but
that you wish them to log your verbal complaint which will be followed up
with details in
writing. If they persist in refusing to accept a verbal complaint, ask
for the name of the person taking the call, and say you may take the matter
further. Find out why you should phone first--click
here!(link not working-in preparation)
Take Notes, and Keep Records.
You've just experienced your first "jobsworth"! Congratulations! Now you
can see why it becomes important to keep a record of everything that happens
so you can refer back to it when needed. Remember, all of these Councils
and official bodies will have access to their computer files and records.
Get yourself an A4 size loose leaf folder and keep copies of all your letters
in and out about the problems, note down the phone calls with the date and
time and the names of the people you are dealing with and stick those in
the file also, best in date order perhaps. Keep it beside you when you call
again, and you will be able to refer to previous calls and letters quickly
and easily.
Keep a Diary
You MUST start keeping a Diary. This is of the events as they happen. Get
yourself a notebook of some kind, preferably one in which the pages are NOT
loose leaf, or even better if you can find a current year's week to two page
desk diary or similar. Note
the date and time of any and every happening or incident, both
major and minor, even name calling, swearing and verbal abuse. Note down
where it happens, and any circumstances leading up to the incident. Note
down the names and identities of your abusers, for example, the "son of the
householder, Joe Bloggs" or the "householder himself, Fred Bloggs, of number
54 Smith Lane" and so on. Note down whether or not you called the Police
or other authorities, and the time of their arrival. Note down the Officers
name and number if you can, and any medical details if injury occurs. If
you can get the details of any Paramedic staff who attend , well
and good, but this may not be easy, there is a natural reluctance on the
part of Medics to "side" with any perceived faction or party. Sign the
entry, and each entry individually. If more than one person witnesses the
event, it can be a good idea if they all sign the entry as a record
of the event. Overkill? probably, but if your NFH gets themselves a "smart-*ss"
lawyer and the case comes to court, then it becomes vital evidence taken
at the time.
Text originally
prepared and © Mel Evans August 2000
Click on the links below,
these are continuation pages for "Must Do!"
Must Do Initial
Contacts | Written